Step by Step Instructions for Items to be Completed by Monday


We hope that you had a great time tonight at the White Coat Ceremony and that you are even more excited for the year to come.

As a reminder, your iMedEd and iPad orientation will take place on Monday morning at 8:00 in Tamkin Lecture Hall. Breakfast will be provided.

Below is a list of the rest of the items we need you to complete prior to the iMedEd orientation on Monday. Again, these items should not take very long and will significantly help you get the most out of the orientation session. If you have not done the items from Wednesday’s handout, please take a few minutes to complete those items as well.

My team and I are available via email all weekend if you have any questions, concerns, or issues. You can email us at – this is the general support email address that goes to our entire team – or feel free to email us individually.

Items to be completed before Monday:
● Buy a protective case. UCI ComputerStore is open from 12p-5p on Saturday so you can use your $50 gift card towards that purchase. Protecting your device is of utmost importance!
● Set up your School of Medicine, aka “HS” email account
● Create an AppleID by going to
● Register for a free Dropbox account at
● If you are working from Windows, download iTunes to your computer
● Sync your iPad to your computer
● Install any updates to your iPad
Register your iPad for the school’s wireless network
Install the Security Profile to your device (HS Provisioning)
● Download iPad Tips & Tricks app, Podcasts, iTunesU, and iBooks app
● Bring your fully charged iPad, protective case, and your laptop on Monday

Click here for the detailed iMedEd Setup Instructions

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