iMedEd Release Notes Version 7.8.16

Create Teaching Videos Using Tell-Show-Try

“Many teaching videos tend to focus on domain knowledge and conveying information that can be easily communicated in a textbook. The real talent of experts is not necessarily imparting domain knowledge but rather demonstrating the heuristic, control, and learning strategies that they use to solve problems. This is where teaching videos by experts are a perfect fit.” ~ Dr. Kristen Sosulski, director of education for the NYU Stern W.R. Berkley Innovation Lab.

If you are planning to create a teaching video, consider structuring your educational content using the Tell-Show-Try technique so that time spent on didactic content (telling) is limited to allow time for demonstrations and problem-solving guided by the expert instructor (showing) followed by engagement of the learner in solving their own problems (trying).

To learn more about the Tell-Show-Try technique, read: Educational reasons for creating short teaching videos.

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