iMedEd Release Notes 11.20.20

Emailing Medical Students

The active directory for Office365 has been updated to clearly identify medical students in the contact lists. When emailing a student, you will see “(Medical Student)” appended to the name that is displayed in Outlook, for example, “Jane Doe (Medical Student)”. This clear indication of a student’s role, especially in situations when they have common names or names similar to that of others working at UCI Health, will help to distinguish them in email communications.

This change was prompted in efforts to minimize the accidental sending of emails with sensitive information to the wrong recipient and address compliance concerns. If you are the recipient of an email containing sensitive information that was not intended for you, take the following steps:

  • If the email exchange involves a medical student, contact the Office of Medical Education at The office will notify the student and document the incident in the student record.
  • For emails protected by HIPAA, contact the UCI Health Compliance and Privacy Office.

Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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