iMedEd Release Notes 12.14.18

The IRB has Streamlined Review of Exempt Research

Have you wanted to do medical education research but have been concerned about the process to get an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval? If so, there is good news for you. Earlier this year, the UCI IRB office streamlined the process for the review of exempt research. Updates to this process include:

  1. An Exempt Self-Determination Tool
  2. An updated Exempt Protocol Narrative for research that requires IRB review

Researchers can now walk-through the self-determination tool on their own to determine if their research requires an IRB review. Accordingly, you may now find that some of your educational research projects no longer need to be reviewed by the IRB. If you determine that an IRB review is needed, the protocol narrative for exempt research has been updated to be more succinct and simplified.

To read more about the process that went into effect on April 2, 2018, visit: Streamlining IRB Exempt Research Review.

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